More than 27 years of experience in Otolaryngology Diagnosis and treatment of a range of major and minor complaints such as: tinnitus, excessive snoring, speech impediments and sinusitis. The ENT clinic provides Endoscopic Nasal surgery, microscopic ear surgery and micro larynx surgery.
More than 27 years of experience in Otolaryngology Diagnosis and treatment of a range of major and minor complaints such as: tinnitus, excessive snoring, speech impediments and sinusitis.
The ENT clinic provides Endoscopic Nasal surgery, microscopic ear surgery and micro larynx surgery.
The state-of-the-art technology means examination procedures are unobtrusive, and patients are able to see the internal examinations live on screen.
- Examination of the ear with and without a microscope or endoscope
- Ear Wash
- Dix & Hallpike test and Particle Repositioning Maneuvers for BPPV
- Examination of the nose with an endoscope
- Chemical cauterization for Epistaxis
- F.B. removal for adult and co-operative children
- Anterior and Posterior Nasal Packing
- F.B. removal for adult and co-operative children
- Nasopharingeal biopsy under local anesthesia using an endoscope
- Examination using an endoscope (rigid and flexible)
- Evacuation of hematoma
- Excision of ear canal benign swelling as osteoma or exostosis
- Myringotomy & ventilation tube insertion
- Electrical cauterization of Epistaxis
- Septoplasty
- Closed reduction of fracture nasal bone
- Submucosal coagulation of hypertrophied Turbinates
- Endoscopic sinus surgery
- Endoscopic nasopharyngeal biopsy
- Incision and drainage of peritonsillar abscess
- Adenotonsillectomy
- Uvulopatatopharyngoplasty
- Direct laryngoscopy
- Micro laryngo surgery for benign lesions
- Biopsy from suspected malignant lesions